Month: September 2018

No risk, no reward! The Go-Getters Anthem

No risk, no reward! The Go-Getters Anthem

Day 3 and 118 Days to go in my 120 Days of Radical Action This challenge requires me to seek out opportunities to take radical action towards my dreams. As a reminder, radical action is different for everyone. My radical action today may not seem 

Something is Better Than Nothing: The Key to Starting

Something is Better Than Nothing: The Key to Starting

Day 2 and 119 Days to go of the 120 Days of Radical Action Who knew that first thing this morning my commitment to doing something radical would be challenged. At 630 AM, I was lying in bed perusing Instragram, when Chris asked me if 

How I stopped letting my to-do list run my life

How I stopped letting my to-do list run my life

Since the time I could hold a pencil and scribble I liked making lists. This is also probably why I also have an unhealthy obsession with clipboards. Nothing gives me a greater jolt of pleasure than holding a clipboard and scratching something off a list.