Do you have time to live your dream?

Do you have time to live your dream?

So as life would have it, things in my world are getting busier just in time for this challenge. This time of year always seems to bring a greater demand on my time. I have things ramping up at work. The school year for my boys is in full swing and wrestling season is just getting started. Oh and not to mention, I am leading this challenge.

I woke up at 5:15am to write my email, IG posts, and blog post for the day in hopes of getting it all done and in your inboxes before I left for work. Well as you can tell, life happened this morning and I wasn’t able to wrap everything up until my lunch break.  This made me wonder if I even have enough time to do it all and live my dream?

How to Make Time

The answer, of course is YES! I have to make time. In order to make time, however, requires that I prioritize. This morning instead of finishing my posts, I had a one on one breakfast with my eldest son. I gave him my full undivided attention (aside from one work email I had to send). That time with him is precious and is part of living my dream. So I am going to count that as a tiny victory.

The point is, in order to live my dream, I have to know what’s important and what do my dream days look like. That will help me prioritize the things that are part of living my dream.

Take Action

Get started by prioritizing your dream and making time for it. I created a worksheet to help you. Click the link to download the worksheet.

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