A Simple way to Increase Gratitude for the Good People in Your Life

A Simple way to Increase Gratitude for the Good People in Your Life

I have a beautiful life. It is a work in progress, but still no less beautiful. All together the smudges, imperfections, and mistakes in my life only make the glorious colors, bold shapes, and interesting figures all the more beautiful. The source of that beauty lies mainly in the family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers that each add their own unique designs to my life. I am grateful for the many special people who have positively poured into me, some since the day I was born and others with just one-time encounters.

My prayer is that no matter how little, how long, or how much someone has uplifted, educated, and inspired me, that my life is a reflection of their goodwill. All that being said, I sometimes loose sight of all that beauty, especially on emotionally cloudy and stormy days when my feelings get the best of me. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead me to taking these people for granted and not honoring their role in my life.

At the core of my pursuit of tiny victories, is mindfulness and gratitude. To that end, I especially want to be mindful of all the reasons I should be grateful for my close family and friends. If anyone deserves my gratitude, it is the people who not only pour into me, but also are by my side through life’s ups and downs. These are the people who cheer me on when I’m at my best and don’t hold it against me when I’m at my worst. So to honor them each day in some way, I leave myself a tiny reminder of why I am grateful for them in my phone.

My Tiny Victory Plan

  1. Update their profile pic to my favorite of them or to an “usie.”
  2. I list all the reasons I admire them in the “Company” field of their contact details. That way, whenever they contact me, I get a reminder of all the reasons they make my heart smile.