3 Things You Must Do for Daily Wellness

3 Things You Must Do for Daily Wellness

The pandemic and the constant reminders of the life’s fragileness, has taken its toll on me. Despite my best efforts, for most of the past two years, I’ve felt bogged down by my responsibilities. I’ve been teetering on the edge of burnout and generally just emotionally depleted. Luckily, I am blessed to have access to resources, mentors, couches, family, friends and a spouse to help pull me back from the edge.

In fact, it was a simple phrase that my husband shared with me that truly lifted me out of the chaos. My husband is a lifelong learner who reads a ton of books, articles, news, etc. I don’t think there isn’t a topic I can bring up, that he doesn’t know at least a little something about. Luckily for me when I was on the verge of a meltdown last year, he was really into stoicism and reading the philosophies of Marcus Aurelius. One day, after I went on and on lamenting about how overwhelmed I was, he looked me in the eye and said, “Babe, you need to do less, better.”

Do Less Better.

Daily Stoic

My Breakthrough

Those words broke through the cloud of my despair and with bright, shining clarity. At the time I was in the midst of trying to build at team, lead the learning strategy for a major business transformation at work, while also trying to prepare for a keynote at a conference, and gear up for the next 120 Day Challenge. This was on top of trying to maintain a household, eat healthy, exercise, oh and be an equal partner to my husband and be a patient, loving mom to our sons. If doing the most were a person, it’d be me. Of course I needed to DO LESS…BETTER.

It was that day, that I embarked on a journey to Marie Kondo my life. I decided to eliminate things that didn’t bring me joy and deenergized me. That, however, was just part of solution. I figured I should use my newly found free time to do things that brought me joy. In effort to not overwhelm myself again, I made a commitment to do just one thing everyday that made me happy.

Things were going good for a couple weeks until I received some concerning news about my health. I hadn’t gone to the doctor in almost two years, since the start of the pandemic. When I finally went for my physical, the stress and stress eating (baking) had taken its toll. My health wasn’t dire, but I needed to make some changes. That’s when I decided to add doing one thing for my health everyday.

The 1-1-1 Method

I used my passion planner to track what I did each day for my health and happiness. This led to the third “one” in my method. My planner was a daily reminder that I needed to work on my passion projects and goals. Thus, the 1-1-1 Method for Wellness was born. It is a simple daily commitment to:

  • Do one thing to support your health
  • Do one thing that makes you happy
  • Do one productive thing towards your goals

My Tiny Victory Plan

You can apply the method in one of two ways: 1) You can either start each day (Really you can do it at any point in the day) with planning your 1-1-1 actions or 2) At the end of each day you can list how you applied the 1-1-1 method.

Figure out what works best for you, or do a blend of both. The point of the method is an intentional, flexible, and easy approach to daily total wellness.

Follow me on Instagram to see my 2022 journey with the 1-1-1 Method. If you try it, let me know how it goes.