3 Things You Must Do for Daily Wellness

3 Things You Must Do for Daily Wellness

The pandemic and the constant reminders of the life’s fragileness, has taken its toll on me. Despite my best efforts, for most of the past two years, I’ve felt bogged down by my responsibilities. I’ve been teetering on the edge of burnout and generally just 

5 Family Dinner Conversation Starters for Greater Connection

5 Family Dinner Conversation Starters for Greater Connection

As a mom of a teenager and soon to be tweenager, I am always looking for ways to connect with my sons. These 5 conversation starters have made our family closer, one meal at a time.

The Power of Productivity Mantras

The Power of Productivity Mantras

Sometimes despite my better judgement, I let time slip away, usually down a deep rabbit hole on the internet. Even when I use all the productivity systems that I tout on throughout this blog, I still fall into time wasting habits. Thankfully, last year I 

Tiny Victory Challenge for Sheltering in Place

Tiny Victory Challenge for Sheltering in Place

Let’s do more than survive this Corona Virus Pandemic It’s a scary and challenging time in our world, now that corona virus has pretty much shutdown the world. Life as I once knew it has come to a halt. Over the last few weeks, I’ve 

A Simple way to Increase Gratitude for the Good People in Your Life

A Simple way to Increase Gratitude for the Good People in Your Life

My prayer is that no matter how little, how long, or how much someone has uplifted, educated, and inspired me, that my life is a reflection of their goodwill. All that being said, I sometimes I loose sight of all that beauty, especially on emotionally cloudy and stormy days when my feelings get the best of me. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead me to taking these people for granted and not honoring their role in my life.

VIDEO: Why Tiny Victories are the key to success

VIDEO: Why Tiny Victories are the key to success

It was sucha a pleasure and an honor to be on TALKS WITH TONIE COLE sharing my lessons learned from my journey of living on purpose. On this show, I talk about how I started the 120 Day Challenge and why I believe in Tiny 

5 Daily Actions for Living Your Dream

5 Daily Actions for Living Your Dream

As part of my 2019 120 Day Challenge, I am constantly reading and researching ways to stay motivated, take action, and make progress on reaching my goals. What I’ve learned is that living your dream is a daily action. It’s a #mood, to borrow an 

Procrastinator Kryptonite: Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can do

Procrastinator Kryptonite: Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can do

As someone who suffers from periodic bouts of procrastination, I am always looking for a way to trick myself into getting started sooner. When I find myself putting off doing something, I often turn to the wise words of John Wooden… Don’t let what you 

Do you have time to live your dream?

Do you have time to live your dream?

So as life would have it, things in my world are getting busier just in time for this challenge. This time of year always seems to bring a greater demand on my time. I have things ramping up at work. The school year for my boys is in full swing and 

How to plan the Ultimate “Auntie” Getaway

How to plan the Ultimate “Auntie” Getaway

So what is an “Auntie” Getaway? Ladies of a certain age, such as myself, are affectionately referred to as aunties (Thanks to the Handmaid’s Tale). When I think of aunties, I think of women who are vibrant, know how to have a good time (but