How I stopped letting my to-do list run my life

How I stopped letting my to-do list run my life

Since the time I could hold a pencil and scribble I liked making lists. This is also probably why I also have an unhealthy obsession with clipboards. Nothing gives me a greater jolt of pleasure than holding a clipboard and scratching something off a list. 

Need More Time? Spend Time More Meaningfully.

Need More Time? Spend Time More Meaningfully.

If you read my bio, then you know that I am a woman of many titles–mother, wife, and learning strategist, just to name a few of my most time consuming titles. Most days at least 12 hours of my day is taken up by tasks 

The #1 question we all need to answer before we make a life change.

The #1 question we all need to answer before we make a life change.

Our society reveres progress and achievement. It is almost expected that all people strive for better…a better job, better home, better car, better vacations, better health, better body, and just a better life in general.  Social media helps to amplify  our cravings for “betterment” as