Tag: 120DayChallenge

VIDEO: Why Tiny Victories are the key to success

VIDEO: Why Tiny Victories are the key to success

It was sucha a pleasure and an honor to be on TALKS WITH TONIE COLE sharing my lessons learned from my journey of living on purpose. On this show, I talk about how I started the 120 Day Challenge and why I believe in Tiny 

Procrastinator Kryptonite: Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can do

Procrastinator Kryptonite: Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can do

As someone who suffers from periodic bouts of procrastination, I am always looking for a way to trick myself into getting started sooner. When I find myself putting off doing something, I often turn to the wise words of John Wooden… Don’t let what you 

Do you have time to live your dream?

Do you have time to live your dream?

So as life would have it, things in my world are getting busier just in time for this challenge. This time of year always seems to bring a greater demand on my time. I have things ramping up at work. The school year for my boys is in full swing and