Tag: Tiny Victories

A Simple way to Increase Gratitude for the Good People in Your Life

A Simple way to Increase Gratitude for the Good People in Your Life

My prayer is that no matter how little, how long, or how much someone has uplifted, educated, and inspired me, that my life is a reflection of their goodwill. All that being said, I sometimes I loose sight of all that beauty, especially on emotionally cloudy and stormy days when my feelings get the best of me. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead me to taking these people for granted and not honoring their role in my life.

VIDEO: Why Tiny Victories are the key to success

VIDEO: Why Tiny Victories are the key to success

It was sucha a pleasure and an honor to be on TALKS WITH TONIE COLE sharing my lessons learned from my journey of living on purpose. On this show, I talk about how I started the 120 Day Challenge and why I believe in Tiny 

Procrastinator Kryptonite: Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can do

Procrastinator Kryptonite: Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can do

As someone who suffers from periodic bouts of procrastination, I am always looking for a way to trick myself into getting started sooner. When I find myself putting off doing something, I often turn to the wise words of John Wooden… Don’t let what you 

The Life Changing Art of Getting More Juice for the Squeeze

The Life Changing Art of Getting More Juice for the Squeeze

There’s go to be More to Life Have you ever thought or said to yourself that there has got to more to _________________________? It doesn’t matter what word you put in the blank. The answer is YES! There is always something more. The question you 

How to Get Outside Your Comfort Zone in 3 Steps

How to Get Outside Your Comfort Zone in 3 Steps

But did You Die? I’ve learned some important lessons during my 120 Days of Radical Action challenge. The biggest one being how to get outside my comfort zone and not die, face plant, nor suffer publicly shaming. I wish the advice I am about to give 

No risk, no reward! The Go-Getters Anthem

No risk, no reward! The Go-Getters Anthem

Day 3 and 118 Days to go in my 120 Days of Radical Action This challenge requires me to seek out opportunities to take radical action towards my dreams. As a reminder, radical action is different for everyone. My radical action today may not seem 

Something is Better Than Nothing: The Key to Starting

Something is Better Than Nothing: The Key to Starting

Day 2 and 119 Days to go of the 120 Days of Radical Action Who knew that first thing this morning my commitment to doing something radical would be challenged. At 630 AM, I was lying in bed perusing Instragram, when Chris asked me if 

How I stopped letting my to-do list run my life

How I stopped letting my to-do list run my life

Since the time I could hold a pencil and scribble I liked making lists. This is also probably why I also have an unhealthy obsession with clipboards. Nothing gives me a greater jolt of pleasure than holding a clipboard and scratching something off a list. 

Need More Time? Spend Time More Meaningfully.

Need More Time? Spend Time More Meaningfully.

If you read my bio, then you know that I am a woman of many titles–mother, wife, and learning strategist, just to name a few of my most time consuming titles. Most days at least 12 hours of my day is taken up by tasks